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Hur beräknar man andelen mellan två datum i Excel?

Författare: Xiaoyang Senast ändrad: 2019-10-21

Om jag antar att jag har en lista med uppgifter med startdatum och slutdatum, nu vill jag beräkna procentandelen färdigställande av uppgiften baserat på dagens datum som följande skärmdump visas. Hur kunde du lösa detta jobb i Excel?

Beräkna procentandelen färdigställande mellan två datum med formeln

Beräkna procentandelen färdigställande mellan två datum med formeln

För beräkning av procentsatsen för att slutföra uppgiften mellan två datum, använd följande formel:

1. Ange den här formeln i en tom cell där du vill få resultatet:


Anmärkningar: I denna formel, B2 är startdatumcellen och C2 är slutdatumcellen.

2. Dra sedan påfyllningshandtaget ner till cellerna du vill använda denna formel, så får du resultatet enligt nedanstående skärmdump:

3. Fortsätt att välja formelcellerna och klicka sedan på Procentuell stil under Hem fliken i Antal grupp, och du får det procentuella värdet som följande skärmdump visas:

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officetab botten
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Hello - Is there a way to combine both these options?

So that the calculation will show O instead of #NUM! if the date is in the future AND stay at 100% if the end date has passed.

That would be the ideal thing.
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Is there a way to incorporate both these items? I would like it to stay at 100% once the date passes and that it shows 0% instead of the #NUM! error if the date is in the future?
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I am using the formula:

=MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1))

which is working great and leaves the percentage at 100% once the end date has passed.
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How can you calculate a date difference in days using a percentage in excel?

Basically, I'm looking to implement a start date for an activity based on the fraction of 15/52. The idea is that an activity starts 3 weeks from a kick-off date.

However, a series of projects have variable durations. As such I want to represent 15 weeks out of 52 weeks in a formula I can use across all projects to work on the same principle.

The idea is to use a start date and project into the future using a percentage to define the next start date for another activity to commence.
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Qual a formula para não dar mais que cem e menos de zero?
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И как быть, если дата начала не определена, а дата окончания известна. В этом случае по формуле пишет 100%. А хочется чтобы писал 0 или ничего.
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Привет! Спасибо за формулы!

Что добавить в формулу, чтобы не ругался, если дата начала и окончания совпадают? (предполагается, что задача выполняется в теч. дня.
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Привет! Спасибо за формулы!! Весь интернет перерыла, нашла только у вас.
Ругается "параметр 2 не может равняться нулю", когда дата начала и дата окончания одна и та же (заложено, что задача делается в течении дня). Что добавить в формулу?
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kenapa jika tepat waktu hasil nya menjadi tidak 100%?
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)).
It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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Thank you for this, help me a lot. But how to show blank if one of the date is not input yet? Because it keep shows 100%.
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waktunya habis jam 12 tgh malam..jadi 12.01 baru akan bertukar kepada 100%. harap membantu
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). 
It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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Hi Mandy,
I am trying to exeute =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)) but it gives me always an error.
I am using a MAC, but I don't think is matter of OS.
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thank you for the formula, when i use it for a dates in the future it returns #NUM!. is there a way to get it to return a 0.00 or some sort of text return like "Not Started"? it would be cleaner and more informative and i have other formulas based on the response so having the option to return a 0.00 (and or text options) would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
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Hi, Jeff,To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:=IFERROR((DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1),"Not start").
Please try, hope it can help you!

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Hi skyyang, very helpful this one. How about if today date is exceed the end date, how to maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent.
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Hello,Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.Sincerely,Mandy
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Hi skyyang, very helpfull this one. How about if today date is exceed the end date, how to maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent.
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)). It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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same here.
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Gald to help. Please use this formula: =MIN(1, (DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"d")+1)/(DATEDIF(B2,C2,"d")+1)).

It will maintain it at 100% instead of 100 over percent if today date is exceed the end date. Please see the screenshots. In cell D2, I use the formula in the article, and the result is 156.25%. In cell E2, I use the new formula I offered in this comment, and the result is 100%. Hope it can solve your problem. Have a nice day.
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how do i find a 62% percentage date between two dates
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