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Hur filtrerar man celler efter textlängd i Excel?

Författare: Kelly Senast ändrad: 2024-12-09

Filtering cells by text length in Excel is a common need when processing and analyzing data. By filtering for text of a specific length, you can quickly locate content with a certain number of characters, such as limiting the length of input or extracting key data. Here are several methods to accomplish this, whether using built-in features or formulas, to make the task simple and efficient.

Filtrera celler efter given textlängd med filterkommandot

Du kan filtrera celler efter angiven textlängd (antalet tecken) med textfilterets anpassade filterfunktion. Gör så här:

  1. Select the column data that you want to filter, and click the Filter knapp under Data fliken.
  2. Klicka på Filter Arrow Filtrera pilenoch flytta musen över Textfilter och välj Anpassat filter item. See the following screenshot:
    choose the Custom Filter item from Filter list box
  3. I poppar upp Anpassat autofilter dialog box, specify the criteria as lika, and enter 16 question marks to indicate the length.:
    specify the criteria in the Custom AutoFilter dialog box
  4. Klicka OK, the cells with 16 characters in the column are filtered.

Easily filter cells by text length (equal to / less than / greater than) using Kutools for Excel

In this section, we’ll explore how to use Kutools för Excel to filter cells based on text length—whether equal to, less than, or greater than a specific number, with just a few clicks—no formulas or helper columns required.

Kutools för Excel erbjuder över 300 avancerade funktioner för att effektivisera komplexa uppgifter, vilket ökar kreativiteten och effektiviteten. Förbättrad med AI-funktioner, Kutools automatiserar uppgifter med precision, vilket gör datahantering enkel. Detaljerad information om Kutools för Excel...         Gratis provperiod...
  1. Select the range of data you want to filter. Click Kutools Plus > Superfilter att öppna Superfilter rutan.
  2. In the pane, set the filter criteria in the criteria box as you need:
    In the first criteria box, select the column header that you want to filter;
    In the second criteria box, choose text;
    In the third criteria box, select the condition: Längd är , Length is greater than, eller Length is less than.
    In the last criteria box, enter the desired text length (e.g., "16" for exactly 16 characters).
    ange kriterierna i rutan Superfilter
  3. Klicka sedan Filter button apply the conditions. The results will be displayed in the selected range. See screenshot:
    klicka på knappen Filter för att få resultatet
tips: If you want to filter cells with text length greater than 16 characters but less than 18 characters, simply set the relationship between the two conditions to "AND".

set criteria for filter by multiple criteria

Filter cells by text length (equal to / less than / greater than) using helper column

In this section, we’ll walk you through how to set up a helper column, calculate text lengths using the LEN function, and apply filters to extract the desired data. This method is simple and effective for scenarios where you need to identify cells with text that is equal to, less than, or greater than a specific number of characters.

  1. In a help column, enter the below formula, and then, drag the fill hanlde down to fill the formula to other cells. All charatcer length of each cell is calclated.
    apply len function to get the charatcer length
  2. Select the helper column, and click the Filter knapp under Data fliken.
  3. In the drop down box, select Antal filter, and then, choose the criteira that you need from the expanded list box, see screenshot:
    choose the criteira from Number Filters section
  4. I följande Custom Autofilter box, set the number of chanratcers that you want to filter based on, see screenshot:
    set the number of chanratcers to filter based on
  5. Klicka OK to get the filter result.

Filter cells by text length (equal to / less than / greater than) using FILTER function

If you have Excel 365 or Excel 2021 and later versions, its new FILTER function is a powerful tool for dynamic filtering of data based on specific conditions. One of its versatile applications is filtering cells by the length of text, whether equal to, less than, or greater than a certain number of characters.

Filter Cells with Text Length Equal to a Specific Number

To filter cells where the text length is exactly 15 characters, please apply the below formula, and press Enter key to get the result:

=FILTER(A2:A19, LEN(A2:A19)=15, "No Match")

Filter cells by text length with FILTER function

● Filter Cells with Text Length Less Than a Specific Number

To filter cells with text length less than 15, please apply the below formula:

=FILTER(A2:A19, LEN(A2:A19)<15, "No Match")

● Filter Cells with Text Length Greater Than a Specific Number

To filter cells with text length greater than 15, please apply the below formula:

=FILTER(A2:A19, LEN(A2:A19)>15, "No Match")

● Filter Cells Within a Range of Text Lengths

To filter cells with text length greater than 16 but less than 20:

=FILTER(A2:A19, (LEN(A2:A19)>16)*(LEN(A2:A19)<20), "No Match")

In summary, filtering cells by text length in Excel can be accomplished through various methods, each catering to different levels of complexity and user preferences. By choosing the method that best suits your needs, you can efficiently organize and analyze your data with minimal effort. If you're interested in exploring more Excel tips and tricks, vår webbplats erbjuder tusentals tutorials.

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