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Hur konverterar man valuta till ordtext i Excel?

Författare: Siluvia Senast ändrad: 2020-05-22

För icke-modersmål som använder engelska som andra språk är det ibland svårt att direkt ändra valutanumret till engelska ord när numret är för långt. I den här artikeln lär du dig hur du enkelt konverterar valuta till ordtext i Excel.

Konvertera valuta till ord med VBA-kod
Konvertera valuta till ord med Kutools för Excel

Konvertera valuta till ord med VBA-kod

Med nedanstående VBA-kod kan du konvertera valutanummer till engelska ord.

1. Tryck andra + F11 att öppna Microsoft Visual Basic för applikationer dialog ruta.

2. I Microsoft Visual Basic för applikationer dialogrutan, klicka Insert > Modul. Kopiera och klistra sedan in koden nedan i kodfönstret.

VBA-kod: Konvertera valutanummer till engelska ord

Function NumberstoWords(ByVal pNumber)
Dim Dollars, Cents
arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ")
pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber))
xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".")
If xDecimal > 0 Then
    Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(pNumber, xDecimal + 1) & "00", 2))
    pNumber = Trim(Left(pNumber, xDecimal - 1))
End If
xIndex = 1
Do While pNumber <> ""
    xHundred = ""
    xValue = Right(pNumber, 3)
    If Val(xValue) <> 0 Then
        xValue = Right("000" & xValue, 3)
        If Mid(xValue, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
        If Mid(xValue, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = xHundred & GetTens(Mid(xValue, 2))
            xHundred = xHundred & GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 3))
        End If
    End If
    If xHundred <> "" Then
        Dollars = xHundred & arr(xIndex) & Dollars
    End If
    If Len(pNumber) > 3 Then
        pNumber = Left(pNumber, Len(pNumber) - 3)
        pNumber = ""
    End If
    xIndex = xIndex + 1
Select Case Dollars
    Case ""
        Dollars = "No Dollars"
    Case "One"
        Dollars = "One Dollar"
    Case Else
        Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars"
End Select
Select Case Cents
    Case ""
        Cents = " and No Cents"
    Case "One"
        Cents = " and One Cent"
    Case Else
        Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents"
End Select
NumberstoWords = Dollars & Cents
End Function
Function GetTens(pTens)
Dim Result As String
Result = ""
If Val(Left(pTens, 1)) = 1 Then
    Select Case Val(pTens)
        Case 10: Result = "Ten"
        Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
        Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
        Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
        Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
        Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
        Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
        Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
        Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
        Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
        Case Else
    End Select
Select Case Val(Left(pTens, 1))
    Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
    Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
    Case 4: Result = "Forty "
    Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
    Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
    Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
    Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
    Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
    Case Else
End Select
Result = Result & GetDigit(Right(pTens, 1))
End If
GetTens = Result
End Function
Function GetDigit(pDigit)
Select Case Val(pDigit)
    Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
    Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
    Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
    Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
    Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
    Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
    Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
    Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
    Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
    Case Else: GetDigit = ""
End Select
End Function

3. Tryck andra + Q samtidigt för att stänga Microsoft Visual Basic för applikationer dialog ruta.

4. Välj en tom cell (B1) som ligger intill cellen du vill konvertera till ord, ange formeln = Antal till ord (A1), och tryck sedan på ange nyckel.

Anmärkningar: A1 är cellen som innehåller valutanumret. Du kan ändra det efter behov.

5. Välj cellen B1, dra ner Fill Handle för att få alla engelska ord av valutanumren.

Konvertera valuta till ord med Kutools för Excel

Den här långa VBA-koden verkar komplicerad. Här presenterar jag ett praktiskt verktyg för att enkelt lösa detta problem. Med Siffror till ord nytta av Kutools för Excel, att konvertera valuta till ord kommer inte att vara ett problem längre. Gör så här.

Innan du ansöker Kutools för ExcelBer ladda ner och installera det först.

1. Välj cellerna med valutanumren du vill konvertera.

2. klick Kutools > Innehåll > Siffror till ord. Se skärmdump:

3. I Siffror till valutaord dialogrutan väljer du Engelska alternativet och klicka på OK or Ansök knapp.

Nu omvandlas de valda valutan till engelska ord omedelbart.

  Om du vill ha en gratis provperiod (30 dagar) av det här verktyget, klicka för att ladda ner den, och gå sedan till för att tillämpa operationen enligt ovanstående steg.

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Comments (19)
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Write the currency AED 3862.54 in words
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can convert it to malaysian ringgit ?
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Hi Warsha,

This type of conversion is not supported yet. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Hello help, I love your formula but I would like to update the formula so that it stays like the example in capital letters. Thanks a lot.
USD 121,500.56 = One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Fifty Six Cents

USD 121,500.00 = One Hundred Twenty One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents
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Hi Angel,
The following VBA code can do you a favor. After adding the code to the Module (Code) window. Don't forget to apply this formula =NumberstoWords(cell) to get the result.
Function NumberstoWords(ByVal pNumber)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221123

Dim Dollars, Cents
arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ")
pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber))
xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".")

If xDecimal > 0 Then
    Cents = Left(Mid(pNumber, xDecimal + 1) & "00", 2)
    Cents = "AND " & Cents & "/100 US DOLLARS"
    pNumber = Trim(Left(pNumber, xDecimal - 1))
    Cents = "AND " & "00/100 US DOLLARS"
End If

xIndex = 1
Do While pNumber <> ""
    xHundred = ""
    xValue = Right(pNumber, 3)
    If Val(xValue) <> 0 Then
        xValue = Right("000" & xValue, 3)
        If Mid(xValue, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
        If Mid(xValue, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = xHundred & GetTens(Mid(xValue, 2))
            xHundred = xHundred & GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 3))
        End If
    End If
    If xHundred <> "" Then
        Dollars = xHundred & arr(xIndex) & Dollars
    End If
    If Len(pNumber) > 3 Then
        pNumber = Left(pNumber, Len(pNumber) - 3)
        pNumber = ""
    End If
    xIndex = xIndex + 1
Select Case Dollars
    Case ""
        Dollars = "No Dollars"
    Case "One"
        Dollars = "One Dollar"
    Case Else
        Dollars = Dollars
End Select
NumberstoWords = UCase(Dollars & Cents)
End Function
Function GetTens(pTens)
Dim Result As String
Result = ""
If Val(Left(pTens, 1)) = 1 Then
    Select Case Val(pTens)
        Case 10: Result = "Ten"
        Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
        Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
        Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
        Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
        Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
        Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
        Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
        Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
        Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
        Case Else
    End Select
Select Case Val(Left(pTens, 1))
    Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
    Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
    Case 4: Result = "Forty "
    Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
    Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
    Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
    Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
    Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
    Case Else
End Select
Result = Result & GetDigit(Right(pTens, 1))
End If
GetTens = Result
End Function
Function GetDigit(pDigit)
Select Case Val(pDigit)
    Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
    Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
    Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
    Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
    Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
    Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
    Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
    Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
    Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
    Case Else: GetDigit = ""
End Select
End Function
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Can you update the code to use Dinar and Fils .. Fils decimal is 3 .. means it has hundreds, tens and ones..
Thank you ..
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Hi Naseem,
Perhaps the VBA code on the following page can help.
Convert numbers to words using Dinar and Fils.
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Thank you so much ..
Can you update the to write the fills in number not word.
125.100 --> One Hundred Twenty Five Kuwaiti Dinar and 100 Fils Only

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Want a solution that doesn't require VBA?
Check it out here
See result in screenshot
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I love your macro. Found one thing that doesn't quite work well. That's when there is a fractional. For instance if a field comes up as .835 excel rounds it up but the value is typed as "eighty three cents" while excel shows .84.
Work around for this?
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Sorry for the inconvenience. We have updated the code, please give it a try.

Function NumberstoWords(ByVal pNumber)
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220428
Dim Dollars, Cents
arr = Array("", "", " Thousand ", " Million ", " Billion ", " Trillion ")
pNumber = Trim(Str(pNumber))
pNumber = Round(pNumber, 2)
xDecimal = InStr(pNumber, ".")
If xDecimal > 0 Then
    Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(pNumber, xDecimal + 1) & "00", 2))
    pNumber = Trim(Left(pNumber, xDecimal - 1))
End If
xIndex = 1
Do While pNumber <> ""
    xHundred = ""
    xValue = Right(pNumber, 3)
    If Val(xValue) <> 0 Then
        xValue = Right("000" & xValue, 3)
        If Mid(xValue, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
        End If
        If Mid(xValue, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
            xHundred = xHundred & GetTens(Mid(xValue, 2))
            xHundred = xHundred & GetDigit(Mid(xValue, 3))
        End If
    End If
    If xHundred <> "" Then
        Dollars = xHundred & arr(xIndex) & Dollars
    End If
    If Len(pNumber) > 3 Then
        pNumber = Left(pNumber, Len(pNumber) - 3)
        pNumber = ""
    End If
    xIndex = xIndex + 1
Select Case Dollars
    Case ""
        Dollars = "No Dollars"
    Case "One"
        Dollars = "One Dollar"
    Case Else
        Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars"
End Select
Select Case Cents
    Case ""
        Cents = " and No Cents"
    Case "One"
        Cents = " and One Cent"
    Case Else
        Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents"
End Select
NumberstoWords = Dollars & Cents
End Function
Function GetTens(pTens)
Dim Result As String
Result = ""
If Val(Left(pTens, 1)) = 1 Then
    Select Case Val(pTens)
        Case 10: Result = "Ten"
        Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
        Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
        Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
        Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
        Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
        Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
        Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
        Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
        Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
        Case Else
    End Select
Select Case Val(Left(pTens, 1))
    Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
    Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
    Case 4: Result = "Forty "
    Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
    Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
    Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
    Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
    Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
    Case Else
End Select
Result = Result & GetDigit(Right(pTens, 1))
End If
GetTens = Result
End Function
Function GetDigit(pDigit)
Select Case Val(pDigit)
    Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
    Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
    Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
    Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
    Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
    Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
    Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
    Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
    Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
    Case Else: GetDigit = ""
End Select
End Function
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This macro here helped me a lot, thank you so much for that. Our currency here in Kuwait has 3 digits after the decimal, could you help me with this?
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If 45.67 is written as forty-five dollars, sixty-seven cents, how's 45.678 written? Is it forty-five dollars, six hundred and seventy-eight cents?
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can't be changed the currency
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Review the article Million billion trillion conversion beginner guideline to learn and understand about number system and number conversion.
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currency is always in Dollar and cents, How can we change this to other currency?
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You can change the code to your currency instead of "dollers"
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Mr. Shaji can you guide with the steps Please
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